Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Truck Sinks What Is The Weight Of The Truck In Newtons?

What is the weight of the truck in Newtons? - truck sinks

A small ferry is 4.00 m wide and 6.00 m long. When a truck pulls, the boat sinks an additional 4.30 cm in water. What is the weight of the truck? In the N?


lau said...

10,124 N
1032 kg

sojsail said...

Calculate the water moved on. Multiplied by the density of water (sea water is 1.03 * 10 ^ 3 kg / m ^ 3). It is the mass of the car. W = mg.

tul b said...

We both know that the answer on the solution. I will try to give you the measurements and calculations to solve the problem.

Based on the principle of Archimedes, the weight of the amount of water through the shuttle, if the truck is no longer equal to the buoyancy force pushed on the boat. Now that the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the car. Why? For it is necessary to balance the boat. Check Newton's law as well, that is: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Therefore, the buoyancy force
BF = ([4 * 6 * 4.30/100] * 1000) 9.8

Consider the density of water is 1000 kg / m ^ 3 and the mass conversion of N, is multiplied by a factor of 9.8. It also converts cm to 4.30cm m divided by 100.

If the shuttle is in seawater, and change the density of 1030 kg / m 3 ^ Since there are only a small ferry, I think there is no tap water in salt water.

bf = 10113.6N
Net weight = 10,113.6 N

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