Thursday, January 21, 2010

Big Green Egg Thank You Letter What Does This Dream Mean?

What does this dream mean? - big green egg thank you letter

dreamed of a big green snake, which I seem to whistle on bullying, but I have 2 OT 3 "bullets" of his body and thought that it was not my baby (I) or a portion of the snakes eat babies. Then I heard a kind of eating turtles. Then there were eggs, extra large, and most important was brewing, but I do not know what that developed in eggs. The snake hissed at me, and I woke up. But when I sleep in the same green snake me again in my dreams. In this dream, I was not about the fear of snakes for me but for my baby, but the craziest never had a baby or in dreams. And I have a son. Please help me firgure what it means. THANK YOU! Please only serious answers that make sense. Since snakes do not rep ... What turtles rep ... Green?


homechrc... said...

They have something to do with the occult? Ouija, spiritualism, witchcraft, cults, etc.? because - NaturallySpeaking - you should not like the dreams. This is such a thing as a "Wake Up Call ', the evil in contact with you on a" very direct ". They are vulnerable and something that has fallen in its defense.

The snake is always a kind of evil (you know who). I do not know why it is green, but hard these things to the "magic of the earth, the druids, the things" green "? Green is the color that we use to represent the poison, right?

Thus, the snake ate the baby turtles and what are the turtles? Well, there was another, much larger (ie eggs, more importantly, what could be the man) Turtles may represent the animal kingdom, the Bible fell because of Adam's sin and you are under the curse of our property. Nature has not always been as it is today, "teeth and claws - because the fall of man, nature, too.

Thelarge eggs seem to really a different kind of creature - ourselves. Perhaps the largest egg was born the son of his, her future. Evil is like a snake eating baby turtles, but is concerned, it goes well with eggs, even for young and most vulnerable of our species.

The dream took back and lived - a sign it was real and authentic. God often speaks in dreams (whether it is to have gross) and, where applicable, will notify you kindly.

You do not have a baby, but somehow knew it was just a baby was involved - a baby that she felt more protection so that you do for yourself. I would not do for himself, he would do to your baby, and all his children. Even if you are a girl, one day you will mature completely and responsibilities of the next generation and this moment is more worry about these things than you do now. Having babies concentrates the mind of spiritual things, it makes you see the world and see the evil there and fear for their children.

Allow only then, even now ... "Your adversary the devil as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8 steals). Your first baby can be closer than you think, maybe because you are on the threshold of real change in your life when childhood behind. It is important that you acknowledge the spiritual reality, and good for the future. struggle against evil by fleeing to Christ before now that he comes and attacks on his life and good night.

The Scripture says, "..., which could happen within days, says God, I pour out my Spirit on all flesh and your son and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men will have dreams ( Acts 2:17). visions and dreams seem more common these days, another sign that we really know what the Scriptures as "the last days."

It's the best feeling I can bring your dreams. I hope that helps.

Fireball... said...

Bass theyre dreams ... just ... theyre not important

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